Saturday, September 1, 2007

Connor Meets Flat Stanley

Connor finally met Flat Stanley while playing with Play Dough Wednesday morning. He saw Flat Stanley sitting on the kitchen and immediately pulled up a chair so that he could get a closer look. Connor wasn't sure what to make of him. He quickly lost interest and went back to making animal shapes with his Play Dough.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Flat Stanley Meets Parker and Nearly Loses His Legs

Parker discovered Flat Stanley immediately after he awoke from his afternoon nap. He was very curious about Flat Stanley. I think he may have mistaken him for the Gingerbread Man because he kept trying to eat his legs.

Flat Stanley's Arrival

Flat Stanley arrived at my house just after I put Connor and Parker down for their afternoon nap. So, instead of introducing him to the boys first, I introduced him to our fish, Moe and Fish.


I created this site to document my adventure's with Flat Stanley, a paper doll I received today from my niece, Courtney. She is a 5th Grader at Hutchens Elementary in Mobile where she just finished reading the book Flat Stanley, written by Jeff Brown and illustrated by Tomi Ungerer. She sent the doll to me along with a letter asking that I document my visit with Flat Stanley from now through October 10. On the 10th, I will send Flat Stanley back to Courtney along with the pictures I've taken from our many adventures over the next several weeks. Then, Courtney will give an oral presentation on the travels of her Flat Stanley to her class. I hope you enjoy reading about our visit with Courtney's Flat Stanley.